Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.


Exhibit on the History of Mauerpark

Exhibit on the History of Mauerpark

The photography exhibit "Mauerpark: Güterbahnhof - Grenzstreifen - Grünanlage" (Freight Yard - Border Strip - Green Space) documents the site's turbulent history. The exhibit is open between 11 am and 6 pm every Sunday from 28 June until 30 August 2015. It will be displayed at the Mauerpark's Eberswalder Straße entrance. Admission is free. After attending the exhibit, visitors can take a guided historical tour...

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Fête de la Musique 2015 at Mauerpark

Fête de la Musique 2015 at Mauerpark

All of Berlin will be dancing and singing at the the Fête de la Musique, on 21 June 2015, and Mauerpark, too, will be celebrating with a night of music. "Red Bull Music Academy Stage" Program: 4:00 pm Robot Koch (ambient techno / Germany) 5:00 pm Kindness (R&B, pop / UK) 6:15 pm Earl Sweatshirt (hip hop, rap / US) 7:30 pm Hudson Mohawke (electronic pop / UK) 8:30 pm Hudson Mohawke b2b Mark Ronson (electronic...

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May 1: Walpurgisnacht After Party

May 1: Walpurgisnacht After Party

Come and join the after party! We are meeting at the karaoke pit at 1 pm on Friday, 1st May to clean up the park a little after the night before. Nothing drastic, just bagging some litter. Bring music instruments, maybe a picnic and definitely good humour and it should be fun. Tell your friends. The more the merrier!

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Take part in Mauerpark’s 12th Peaceful Walpurgisnacht!

Take part in Mauerpark’s 12th Peaceful Walpurgisnacht!

On 30th of April we will have a colorful and peaceful Dance into May at Mauerpark, with a bonfire, fire artistry and lots of music. You're a witch, fire artist, or musician? Then be creative and be part of a diverse community to celebrate this special night! More information on Facebook: Mauerpark & Walpurgisnacht Please note: There will be a check for bottles and cans at the park entrance. If you plan to bring...

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Your Mauerpark needs you! Make your voice heard!

The Mauerpark is a place for people from all over the world, but building tycoons just see it as prime land for development.  Developers are planning to build over 700 apartments at the northern part of the Mauerpark.  The Freunde des Mauerparks e.V. are resolutely against developing the area to the north of the Gleimstrasse tunnel in the way proposed. We have only a few weeks to halt these development plans. The...

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