Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.


Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark

2016 was a turbulent year for the Mauerpark and 2017 will no doubt also have a few surprises in store. We have just one request to everyone who is thinking of coming to the Mauerpark to see in the New Year: Please spare a thought for the wildlife in the park and celebrate without bangers and rockets. A lot of animals live in the Mauerpark and the noise, smoke and flashes of fireworks are terrifying for them. The...

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We have our rainbow back – well most of it!

We have our rainbow back – well most of it!

It took refugees from Syria, Africa, America and Germany just one week to construct the first two elements of the Rainbow Playground. The whole thing was made possible thanks to many donations and the professional input from SIK-Holz, the company that makes the play equipment. Putting up the visible elements went really fast but it will take longer for the foundations to harden off (a couple of weeks). Please be...

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Work begins to rebuild the Rainbow playground

Work begins to rebuild the Rainbow playground

The children get first parts their playground back Jens-Holger Kirchner, responsible for urban development with Pankow Council, the non-profit organisation Freunde des Mauerparks and SIK-Holzgestaltungs GmbH have found a solution that will make it possible to re-erect the Rainbow playground in Mauerpark before the end of July. The old playground was closed down in autumn 2015 for safety reasons and its rainbow...

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Fête de la Musique 2016 in Mauerpark

Fête de la Musique 2016 in Mauerpark

At the “Fête de la Musique” on 21.6.2016, people from all over Berlin will be dancing and singing, and naturally everything in the Park will revolve around music for the day. Program of the “Red Bull Music Academy Stage” (16:00 – 22:00): 16:00 Jacob Korn (uncanny house) 17:15 Sevdaliza (next-gen r´n´b) 18:15 Lady Leshurr(grime, hip hop/ UK) 19:15 Lil B (rap 3.0) 20:15 Stormzy (grime’s boy wonder) 21:15 DJ Rafik(hip...

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Fundraiser for the New Rainbow Has Begun

Fundraiser for the New Rainbow Has Begun

Since the autumn of 2015 we have marveled at the ruins of Mauerpark’s rainbow playground, and we have recounted extensively the circumstances of how this special symbol of the Park came to be dismantled. However, we have channeled the initial outrage over the playground’s destruction into our initiative to turn the end of the old rainbow into the beginning of a new one. Together with the project coordinators, the...

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Take part in Mauerpark’s Friedvollen Walpurgisnacht!

Take part in Mauerpark’s Friedvollen Walpurgisnacht!

On 30th of April we will have a colorful and peaceful Dance into May at Mauerpark, with a bonfire, fire artistry and lots of music. You’re a witch, fire artists, musicians or you have a band? Then be creative and be part of a diverse community to celebrate this special night! Prep Meeting: 08.04.2016, 18.00 at Mauersegler 28.04.2016, 18.00 at Mauersegler For more information check our Facebook-Pages:...

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Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark

2015 was a turbulent year for the Mauerpark and 2016 will no doubt also have a few surprises in store. We have just one request to everyone who is thinking of coming to the Mauerpark to see in the New Year: Please spare a thought for the wildlife in the park and celebrate without bangers and rockets. A lot of animals live in the Mauerpark and the noise, smoke and flashes of fireworks are terrifying for them. The...

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Informational Meeting: Water Storage Tunnel

Informational Meeting: Water Storage Tunnel

District Councillor for Urban Development Jens-Holger Kirchner (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Berlin Water Works, and the Gleim Neighborhood Civic Association will be hosting an informational session on the current status of the planned construction of a water storage tunnel beneath Mauerpark. At the event, the Water Works will present residents, park...

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Info-Picnic at Moritzhof Youth Farm

Info-Picnic at Moritzhof Youth Farm

Mauerpark-Allianz invites all who are interested to a communal picnic to discuss the state of the planned construction project. Where: In front of Moritzhof Youth Farm, at the northern end of Mauerpark When: Sonday, July 19, from 3:00 pm More info: (German)

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Birthday & Summer Party in Mauergarten

Birthday & Summer Party in Mauergarten

On Sunday, July 19, starting at 4:00 pm, Mauergarten will be hosting a party to celebrate both the summer and Mauergarten’s two-year birthday. The Mauergarteners will be eating, drinking, and sitting on cozy new furniture, decorating the garden with color, playing games, presenting their new cookbook (fresh from the printer!), and doing a summer swap: bring something from home that you want to give away; you will...

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