Karaoke in Mauerpark has been the subject of extensive media coverage recently. The department responsible for environmental matters and nature conservation at Pankow Borough Council is holding a public hearing at which residents who feel disturbed by noise from the park will be able to have their say. Pankow Council will then take a decision on granting permits for the Sunday karaoke. When: Wednesday, 3 April 2019...
Mauerpark Round Table No. 3 at Rathaus Pankow
Tuesday, 29.01.2019, 5:30 – 8:30 pm Rathaus Pankow, Breite Strasse 24A-26, 13187 Berlin in the Grosser Saal Pankow Council has convened the third meeting of the Mauerpark Round Table on Tuesday 29 January 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Grosser Saal of the Town Hall, Rathaus Pankow, Breite Strasse 24-26, 13187 Berlin. As agreed at the first two sessions of the Round Table, this meeting will now debate the possibility of...

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark
2018 was a turbulent year for the Mauerpark and 2019 will no doubt also have a few surprises in store. We have just one request to everyone who is thinking of coming to the Mauerpark to see in the New Year: Please spare a thought for the wildlife in the park and celebrate without bangers and rockets. A lot of animals live in the Mauerpark and the noise, smoke and flashes of fireworks are terrifying for them. The...

Culture in the Mauerpark – a bonus or a bane?
The hot summer months in Mauerpark are over for this year and so things should start to quieten down naturally: the crowds, the music and the protests. So it is time to take stock and the attempt to do that has led to intensive discussions among all stakeholders: local residents, street musicians in and round the park, the parks and gardens’ department, the Public Order Office, the police and local politicians....

Demonstration at Mauerpark: “Music connects!”
For many years now, Mauerpark has been a popular meeting place on Sundays for local people, visitors, artists and street musicians. The flea market and karaoke are key features, but it is the street musicians who play a major part in the character of Mauerpark Sundays. For several weeks now, musicians who have been able to play undisturbed for years have had to put up with residents reporting them to the police, in...

15th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark (2018)
The slogan for the celebrations is quite simple: come and join in! Local people, visitors and creatives will get together to produce a very special evening that will include a campfire, music, fire juggling, soap bubbles and the opportunity to dance in the May. You can let your imagination run free in Mauerpark. Some of the people joining us this year: Peter & Pat, Team-Fox, FeuerCamp, Dub der Guten Hoffnung,...

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark
2017 was a turbulent year for the Mauerpark and 2018 will no doubt also have a few surprises in store. We have just one request to everyone who is thinking of coming to the Mauerpark to see in the New Year: Please spare a thought for the wildlife in the park and celebrate without bangers and rockets. A lot of animals live in the Mauerpark and the noise, smoke and flashes of fireworks are terrifying for them. The...

Come and help us build the Rainbow Playground
The Rainbow Playground in Mauerpark disappeared suddenly in autumn 2015. The local parks and gardens department was concerned it was unsafe and felt...

14th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark (2017)
The slogan for the celebrations is quite simple: come and join in! Local people, visitors and creatives will get together to produce a very special evening that will include a campfire, music, fire juggling, soap bubbles and the opportunity to dance in the May. You can let your imagination run free in Mauerpark. Some of the people joining us this year: Peter & Pat, Team-Fox, Zirkus Internationale, Fire Circles,...

Take part in Mauerpark’s Friedvollen Walpurgisnacht!
On 30th of April we will have a colorful and peaceful Dance into May at Mauerpark, with a bonfire, fire artistry and lots of music. You’re a witch, fire artists, musicians or you have a band? Then be creative and be part of a diverse community to celebrate this special night! More information: www.friedvolle-walpurgisnacht.de facebook.com/friedvolle.walpurgisnacht facebook.com/mauerpark.berlin

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