Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.

Alexander Puell

The Fête de la Musique is back in Mauerpark

The Fête de la Musique is back in Mauerpark

Berlin Street Music and Save Mauerpark are hosting the Fête de la Musique in Mauerpark on 21. June: 16:00 Legendary Strawberry Man 17:00 Stephen Paul Taylor 18:00 12Volt 19:00 Beranger The cultural iniatives actively promote music in Mauerpark. But reducing noise levels for local residents is also important to them, which is why they will be collecting donations for acoustic shells, which absorb sound. Further...

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15th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark (2018)

15th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark (2018)

The slogan for the celebrations is quite simple: come and join in! Local people, visitors and creatives will get together to produce a very special evening that will include a campfire, music, fire juggling, soap bubbles and the opportunity to dance in the May. You can let your imagination run free in Mauerpark. Some of the people joining us this year: Peter & Pat, Team-Fox, FeuerCamp, Dub der Guten Hoffnung,...

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14th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark (2017)

14th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark (2017)

The slogan for the celebrations is quite simple: come and join in! Local people, visitors and creatives will get together to produce a very special evening that will include a campfire, music, fire juggling, soap bubbles and the opportunity to dance in the May. You can let your imagination run free in Mauerpark. Some of the people joining us this year: Peter & Pat, Team-Fox, Zirkus Internationale, Fire Circles,...

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