Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.

Photo exhibition: Mauerpark 25 years on

by | 17.10.2019 | Events, General

Five photographers, five windows onto the former death strip

25 years after Mauerpark opened, a photo exhibition depicts the new life that has evolved on the site where the Berlin Wall once stood. Gone is the barbed wire and the threat of death; replaced by life and fun – karaoke, street food, artists, street musicians and a flea market.

The common thread connecting the work is the individual way each photographer sees Mauerpark. But not in isolation from the bigger picture and current issues. Who does the park actually belong to, for instance? It calls for a thoughtful, loving, ironic and critical view.

The photographers also document the constant changes the park has had to deal with and how it has responded to engineering work, its popularity with tourists and what local people want from it. The result is a good mix of street photography, urban landscapes, studio photos and documentation that goes beyond the usual clichés.

The exhibition impressively conveys the message that culture needs an open space that embraces diversity and that Mauerpark is a unique privilege for Berlin.

Hartmut Bräunlich
Thomas Henk Henkel
Peter Kagerer
Friederike Kronauer
Alexander Puell

Vernissage: Friday, 8 November 2019 at 7.00 pm
Exhibition: Sunday, 10 November 2019, 10.00 am  – 6.00 pm

Where: Mauersegler, Bernauer Str. 63-64, 13555 Berlin

Powered by Kulturgemeinschaft Mauerpark

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