Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.

Come and help us build the Rainbow Playground

by | 22.05.2017 | General

Do you have any spare time during the day between 12 and 16 June? Would you like to lend a hand: digging holes or wielding a hammer or a paint brush?
If so, please get in touch at or email us at: regenbogen[at]

The Rainbow Playground in Mauerpark disappeared suddenly in autumn 2015. The local parks and gardens department was concerned it was unsafe and felt obliged to dismantle it.

We, the Friends of Mauerpark, got a campaign going in just a few weeks, which ensured that the Rainbow Playground will soon be back as symbol for optimism and dreams.

With the help of volunteers from Syria, Africa, America and Germany, the first phase of the rebuild project (first part of the rainbow and the swings) was completed last summer in just one week.

The second phase (second part of the rainbow and a play ship) is scheduled for completion this summer.

Unlike last year, we are no longer fundraising. Supporters of Mauerpark, residents, businesses and nonprofit organisations showed great commitment and contributed almost €17,000, which will go a long way towards financing the playground.

Support from volunteers is an important part of the Rainbow Project. The rainbow is not only a visual symbol, suggesting building bridges in places where there was once division. The actual work of constructing the playground offers an opportunity for people of very different backgrounds to meet and do something constructive together.

And during the first phase, people from Syria, Africa, America and Germany came together and shared not just the work but also stories, joy and lasting memories.

Do you have any spare time during the day between 12 and 16 June? If so, please get in touch at or email us at: regenbogen[at]

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