Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.

Your Mauerpark needs you! Make your voice heard!

von | 01.03.2015 | Aktuelles, Planung, Politik

The Mauerpark is a place for people from all over the world,
but building tycoons just see it as prime land for development. 

Developers are planning to build over 700 apartments at the northern part of the Mauerpark.  The Freunde des Mauerparks e.V. are resolutely against developing the area to the north of the Gleimstrasse tunnel in the way proposed. We have only a few weeks to halt these development plans.

The Groth Group’s plans are unacceptable for many reasons:

  • The Mauerpark has become an important and popular place that is used for a diverse range of activities. It needs room to breathe and so do the people who live near it. We must preserve green space that is vital to the quality of life in our neighborhood.
  • Moritzhof city farm is both educational and fun and is much loved by local children and adolescents. The proposed development will completely overshadow the farm and its surrounding area.
  • A roundabout on Gleimstrasse providing access to the new housing would cause further traffic chaos and have a very negative impact on residents.

Please spend 5 minutes to tell the planning authorities that you object!

Register your support for the Mauerpark and write a formal objection to these development plans.  The Borough authorities are obliged to look at each objection.

You can submit your objections online or write them at our information stand. If you don’t speak German, write in your own language but be sure to copy these words as your title:  “Bebauungsplan-1-64a VE – Einwendung

Write a formal objection


Guidance notes for non-German speakers:
Ihre Stellungnahme : Write your objections in this box
Ihr Name: Write your full name
Straße, Hausnummer: Your street address
PLZ Ort: City/town and zip/post code, country
Ihre E-Mail-Adresse: Email address
Giving your email and street address will oblige the authorities to tell you the outcome.


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